Covid inquiry: The UK pandemic in numbers

Covid Inquiry: The UK Pandemic in Numbers
As the world continues to grapple with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the United Kingdom has faced its own set of challenges. Let’s take a closer look at the numbers behind the UK’s experience with the virus.
The UK recorded its first case of Covid-19 on January 31, 2020, and since then has reported over 6 million confirmed cases.
Tragically, more than 150,000 people in the UK have lost their lives to the virus.
The UK implemented various lockdown measures throughout the pandemic, with the strictest restrictions in place from March to June 2020.
As of now, the UK has administered over 120 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Despite the challenges faced, the UK has made significant progress in controlling the spread of the virus through vaccination efforts and public health initiatives.
Several variants of the virus have emerged in the UK, including the Delta variant, which has been associated with increased transmissibility.
The pandemic has had a profound impact on the UK economy, with GDP contracting by 9.9% in 2020.
Healthcare workers in the UK have been on the frontlines of the pandemic, working tirelessly to care for those affected by the virus.
Looking ahead, it is crucial for the UK to continue its vaccination efforts and public health initiatives to prevent further outbreaks and protect the population.